.Bio-FCT*. (生物频率共振疗法) |
Cutting Edge Technology by Taiwan Central Research Institute of Physics |
Bio-Frequency Calibration Therapy (Based on Ancient Bian-Stone Therapy)
(以古代砭石疗法为基础) 砭石/砭疗法是中国最早的一种医疗法, |
© Joint Research & Development by Taiwan Gateway Technology |
In 1997, the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Taiwan verified In 2015, Taiwan’s Gateway Technology discovered that materials that resonate with the human body exist in this nature. This is also the operating basis for the coexistence and prosperity of all things. After purifying this natural material, Gateway Technology uses the resonance principle in high-energy physics to amplify the vibration wave, which becomes the frequency that guides the human body back to its original health. All physical ailments are explained by physics as "Frequency Shift". |
1997年-台湾中研院物理研究所验证 2015年-台湾捷威科技,发现与人体共振的材料,就存在于这个大自然中。 捷威科技将这大自然的材料纯化后,再用高能物理里的共振原理放大振波,成为导引人体走回原本健康的频率。 身体的所有病痛,物理学解释为《频率偏移》。
> 什么是生物频率共振疗法?! |
Having Gout issue or High Cholesterol Level?! |
G4 Pad (G4共振垫) Suitable: High Cholesterol Patient 适用: 高胆固醇患者。 |
Order-On-Demand Items - Selling at: | S$438 |

Re-Calibrate your Eyes Frequency make easy! |
Resonance Eye Mask 共振眼罩 Suitable: long hours of computer/mobile phone use, dry eye, floaters, dark circles, dazzling etc. 适用: 长时间使用电脑/手机者,干眼症,飞蚊症,黑眼圈,眼花等症状 |
Ready Stocks - Selling at: | S$78 |

Re-Calibrate your Kidney at night! |
Suitable: Gout issue, Aged. 适用: 痛风, 腰痠。 |
Kidney Resonance Pad 共振护腰片 (Size M $515. Size L/XL $525) |
Gout is kidney metabolism issue. It appears in the joints of the fingers or toes. May consider using Kidney Guard Pad, On top can consider using Resonance Bedsheet Pad No.5 (96x48cm-S$847) for sleep at night. The effect varies from person to person, wrapped the affected area with Resonance Pad No.2 (32x20cm-$118) might speed up the healing process. 痛风 (Gout) 是肾脏代谢问题, 出现在手指或脚趾关节。 可以考虑用 护腰片,晚上睡觉 用5号共振床单垫(96x48cm-S$847)。效果因人而异,患处加共振布2号(32x20cm-S$118)包裹,能加快疗愈速度。 |

Resonance Cap 共振帽 Specially used for severe patients, cerebral infarction coma, vegetative, paralysis, cerebellar disease, cerebral atrophy, amnesia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and etc. 專用於重症病患: 脑萎缩,老年痴呆症(阿兹海默症),失憶症,预防中风, 预防脑退化, 走路不平衡, 腦梗昏迷,帕金森,植物人,瘫痪,小腦症,腦憶症等症状。 一般頭痛,失眠等症状不需要用到共振帽。 |
Order-On-Demand Items - Selling at: | S$878 |

Alternative Therapy - be amazed by how Alzheimer or Dementia Patients responce to the Bio-Frequency Calibration Therapy, please watch below video start from 11:30 minutes. 替代疗法 - 看老年痴呆症患者对生物频率共振疗法的神奇反应,请从11:30分钟开始观看以下视频 |
.Bio-CFT*. |
> What is Bio-Frequency Calibration Therapy?! |
User Feedback 用户体验与反馈 |
分享共振眼罩的好处 ~ 卓玛琼措分享 右下葉肺腺癌開刀 ~ Shuang Tseng 分享 肺臟有顆0.9公分腫瘤 ~ 曾玉雪見證分享 痛經止痛 ~ 許玉惠分享 頸部有一個硬塊,而且越來越大 ~ 共振墊效果 徐淑靜分享 共振排出胃气 ~ 張嘉攻提供
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